SAINOME 384-Well Format Gel Excision Tool

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SAINOME® is a useful analysis tool for proteome analysis and DEG assay (Diced Electrophoresis Gel assay). The gel after electrophoresis can be dispensed into a 384-well microplate and used for reaction or measurement using a microplate reader.

DEG Assay is a new analytical method that can detect with high sensitivity a trace amount of enzyme activity that could not be detected by conventional methods. With SAINOME®, DEG Assays can be performed efficiently and reproducibly.

SAINOME® was developed under the guidance of Dr. Toru Komatsu of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Domestic patent registered (Patent No. 5594501), PCT international application completed, domestic trademark registered.

Documents & Links for SAINOME 384-Well Format Gel Excision Tool
Vendor Page SAINOME 384-Well Format Gel Excision Tool at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for SAINOME 384-Well Format Gel Excision Tool
Vendor Page SAINOME 384-Well Format Gel Excision Tool