Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit

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Oxidative stress may cause reversible or irreversible changes in proteins. Such changes are meant to modulate protein function (redox regulation) or to protect against irreversible damage that causes the inactive proteins to accumulate or become degraded.
Carbonylation, an irreversible oxidative damage, involves the oxidation of side chains of amino acids to aldehydes or ketones. Lysine, arginine, proline, and threonine sidechains can be oxidatively converted to reactive aldehyde or ketone groups causing inactivation, crosslinking or breakdown of proteins.
Protein Carbonylation can be detected and quantified at the global level in proteins and protein mixtures using derivatization of carbonyl groups with hydrazines followed by spectrophotometric measurement.

BQC Protein Carbonyl Assay Kit is designed to detect carbonylated proteins in a simple and accurate test with high reproducibility.

Documents & Links for Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit
Manual Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit at BQCkit

Documents & Links for Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit
Manual Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Protein Carbonylation Assay Kit