Polyphenols Quantification Assay kit - Folin Ciocalteu

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The kit is designed for the rapid determination of polyphenols in various samples.

Background: Phenolic Quantification Assay is based on Folin-Ciocalteu method. The FC reagent contains phosphomolybdic/ phosphotungstic acid complexes The method relies on the transfer of electrons in alkaline medium from phenolic compounds to form a blue chromophore constituted by a phosphotungstic/ phosphomolybdenum complex where the maximum absorption depends on the concentration of phenolic compounds. The reduced Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is detectable with a spectrophotometer in the range of 690 to 710 nm. The reaction temperature has been used to reduce the time necessary to attain the maximum color (T= 37°C). Generally, gallic acid is used as the reference standard compoundand results are expressed as gallic acid equivalents (mg/ml). The F-C assay has been used as a measure of total phenolics in natural products, but the basic mechanism is an oxidation/reduction reaction. In the original F-C assay, the carbonate buffer is used for pH adjustment and the end-point of the reaction was attained after 120 min at room temperature, which makes its implementation for routine analysis difficult.

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  • Chen, Yo Chia, Shen Da Huang, Jing Hong Tu, Jyun Sian Yu, Annisa Oktafianti Nurlatifah, Wen Chin Chiu, Yu Han Su, Hsuan Lun Chang, Diwyacitta Antya Putri, and Hsueh Ling Cheng. 2020. “Exopolysaccharides of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Modulate Glycemic Level in Mice and Promote Glucose Uptake of Cells through the Activation of Akt.” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 146 (March): 202–11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.12.217.
  • Lam, Eric C S, Rui Li, Myriamrubecca Rodrigues, Laura Vires, Rachel L Adams, Joseph D Sherrill, and John E Oblong. 2020. “Enhanced Retinoid Response by a Combination of the Vitamin A Ester Retinyl Propionate with Niacinamide and a Flavonoid Containing Ceratonia Siliqua Extract in Retinoid Responsive in Vitro Models.” BioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.26.315093.
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Lucia Jardekova, Valeria Juricova, Veronika Bugarova, Gabriele Di Marco, Angelo Gismondi, Donatella Leonardi, et al. 2019. “Antibacterial Activity of Different Blossom Honeys: New Findings.” Molecules 24 (8): 1573. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24081573
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Monika Buriova, Ladislav Pekarik, Viktor Majtan, and Juraj Majtan. 2018. “Phytochemicals-Mediated Production of Hydrogen Peroxide Is Crucial for High Antibacterial Activity of Honeydew Honey.” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27449-3
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Valeria Juricova, Gabriele Di Marco, Angelo Gismondi, Donatella Leonardi, Antonella Canini, and Juraj Majtan. 2018. “Effect of Thermal Liquefying of Crystallised Honeys on Their Antibacterial Activities.” Food Chemistry 269: 335–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.07.012
  • Riego, Marina, Susana Rey, David Hevia, and Henar Muñoz-cimadevilla. 2019. “Solvents’ Influence in the Measurement of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Blueberries Extracts.” In 13th ISANH Malta World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, edited by Malta Polyphenols World Congress, 56. Valetta, Malta: International Society of Antioxidants.
  • Rey, Susana, David Hevia, Marina Riego, and Henar Muñoz-cimadevilla. 2019. “Red Wine as a Cardioprotective Agent: A Comparison between the Two Most Consumed D.O Wines in Spain.” In 1st Iternational Conference Nutrients 2019 – Nutritional Advances in the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease, edited by Nutrients, 114. Barcelona: MDPI.
  • Bobinaitė, R., Grootaert, C., Van Camp, J., Šarkinas, A., Liaudanskas, M., Žvikas, V., Viškelis, P., & Rimantas Venskutonis, P. (2020). Chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiproliferat
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Lucia Jardekova, Valeria Juricova, Veronika Bugarova, Gabriele Di Marco, Angelo Gismondi, Donatella Leonardi, et al. 2019. “Antibacterial Activity of Different Blossom Honeys: New Findings.” Molecules 24 (8): 1573. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules24081573.
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Monika Buriova, Ladislav Pekarik, Viktor Majtan, and Juraj Majtan. 2018. “Phytochemicals-Mediated Production of Hydrogen Peroxide Is Crucial for High Antibacterial Activity of Honeydew Honey.” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27449-3.
  • Bucekova, Marcela, Valeria Juricova, Gabriele Di Marco, Angelo Gismondi, Donatella Leonardi, Antonella Canini, and Juraj Majtan. 2018. “Effect of Thermal Liquefying of Crystallised Honeys on Their Antibacterial Activities.” Food Chemistry 269: 335–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.07.012.
  • Chen, Yo Chia, Shen Da Huang, Jing Hong Tu, Jyun Sian Yu, Annisa Oktafianti Nurlatifah, Wen Chin Chiu, and others, ‘Exopolysaccharides of Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Modulate Glycemic Level in Mice and Promote Glucose Uptake of Cells through the Activation of Akt’, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 146 (2020), 202–11 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.12.217
  • Lam, E. C. S., Li, R., Rodrigues, M., Vires, L., Adams, R. L., Sherrill, J. D., & Oblong, J. E. (2020). Enhanced retinoid response by a combination of the vitamin A ester retinyl propionate with niacinamide and a flavonoid containing Ceratonia siliqua extract in retinoid responsive in vitro models. International Journal of Cosmetic Science.

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