Human MMP Marker

Catalog No:
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) belong to the family of metalloproteinases, which consists of at least 20 members, and known to be involved in the metabolism of extracellular matrix proteins. MMPs are widely detected by zymography.

Documents & Links for Human MMP Marker
Datasheet pmc-ak38-cos_mmp-marker_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page Human MMP Marker at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for Human MMP Marker
Datasheet pmc-ak38-cos_mmp-marker_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page Human MMP Marker

Citations for Human MMP Marker – 1 Found
Morisaki, Yuta; Niikura, Mamiko; Watanabe, Mizuho; Onishi, Kosuke; Tanabe, Shogo; Moriwaki, Yasuhiro; Okuda, Takashi; Ohara, Shinji; Murayama, Shigeo; Takao, Masaki; Uchida, Sae; Yamanaka, Koji; Misawa, Hidemi. Selective Expression of Osteopontin in ALS-resistant Motor Neurons is a Critical Determinant of Late Phase Neurodegeneration Mediated by Matrix Metalloproteinase-9. Scientific Reports. 2016;6( 27264390):27354.  PubMed