MagExtractor - RNA

Catalog No:
For extraction of high purity RNA from cells, tissues, and yeast samples using magnetic silica beads This kit extracts of high purity total RNA from biological samples such as cultured cells and tissues. The recovered total RNA can be used mainly in enzymatic reactions such as RT-PCR. Since this kit employs the principle that magneticsilica beads bind total RNA present in a lysate solution, it is not necessary to perform deproteinization using harmful reagents such as phenol, ethanol precipitation, or high-speed centrifugation like the conventional AGPC method. This kit is suitable for the MFX Series automatic nucleic acids extraction system and can also be used as a manual kit for B/F (solid-liquid) separation using a magnetic beads separation stand.

Application: Extraction of Total RNA from Cultured Cells, Tissue, andYeast, etc. The recovered total RNA can be used in enzymatic reactions such as RT-PCR.

1. that obtained by AGPC method.ty

Total RNA was extracted from 2 x 10^6 HeLa cells using this kit and the widely used AGPC RNA extraction method.

The yield obtained with this kit was approximately equivalent to that obtained by AGPC method. With regard to purity, the electrophoretic patterns and OD ratios indicate that this kit extracts high purity RNA with almost no contamination by impurities such as proteins and DNA.

2. Example PCR with Extracted RNA

1 ug of the total RNA extracted from 2 x 10^6 HeLa cells was used to perform RT-PCR with transferrin receptor mRNA as a target (2115 bp). As a result, amplification of the target was detected onlyin the reverse transcription reactions, and expression of the normally low-volume expression transferrin receptor gene was confirmed. The result showed that using RNA obtained with various targets.

Features: Suitable for Various Samples

Allowsextraction of total RNA from cultured cells, tissues, and yeast, etc. Total RNA mainly contains rRNA and mRNA.

Quick, Simple Extraction

MagExtractor® -RNA- is based on the principle that magnetic silica beads bind total RNA, enabling quick simple extraction.

No Phenol or Chloroform Extraction

This kit does not require the use of harmful phenol or chloroform for deproteinization so there is no hazardous waste problem.

Produces High Purity Total RNA

The total RNA extracted withthis kit rarely contains impurities such as DNA or proteins, allowing for use in enzymatic reactions such as RT-PCR.

Documents & Links for MagExtractor - RNA
Datasheet tyb-npk-201f_magextractor--rna-_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page MagExtractor - RNA at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for MagExtractor - RNA
Datasheet tyb-npk-201f_magextractor--rna-_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page MagExtractor - RNA