KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit

Catalog No:
For various mutations, such as substitutions, insertions, and deletion mutations. This kit is an inverse PCR (iPCR)-based site-directed mutagenesis kit using KOD DNA polymerase##<1) 2)>### as a high-fidelity PCR enzyme. This reagent was developed based on a high fidelity and efficient PCR reagent, KOD-Plus- (Code No. KOD-201), which consists of KOD DNA polymerase and anti-KOD DNA polymerase antibodies##<3)>### for Hot Start PCR.

This kit enables not only the introduction of point mutations, but also the introduction of large insertions and deletions. The PCR fidelity of KOD-Plus- is greater than Taq DNA polymerase (ca. 80-fold); therefore, unexpected, 2nd-site mutations can be reduced. PCR reactions can be performed using standard PCR primers and do not require phosphorylated primers, because thisprotocol contains a Phosphorylation Step of PCR products.

Features: High efficiency (95% maximum) can be obtained.

Simple protocol facilitates speedy experiments. Phosphorylated primers are not required.

Application: *Site-directed mutagenesis

Substitution (e.g. Point mutation, Point mutation library)

Deletion (e.g. 1 bp ? several kbp deletion)

Insertion (e.g. Introduction of His-tag sequence)

Principle: A) Inverse PCR of plasmid DNA, using a mutation primer.

B) Plasmid DNA is digested by Dpn I.

Note: Dpn I digests methylated DNA, such as plasmid DNA from typical E. coli cell lines (e.g. JM109 and DH5α).

C) Self-ligation of PCR products is performed by a reaction with T4 polynucleotide kinase and ligase.

D) Transformation of E. coli cell lines using self-ligated PCR products.

Documents & Links for KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit
Datasheet tyb-smk-101_kod--plus--mutagenesis-kit_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit
Datasheet tyb-smk-101_kod--plus--mutagenesis-kit_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit