KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium)

Catalog No:

KBM Neural Stem Cell Series+ KBM XB2

Capable of both undifferentiated proliferation and inducing differentiation of NSCs.
(Serum-free medium for Neural stem cells)


KBM Neural Stem Cell

  • This medium is specialized for the neurosphere assay which is widely applied research and development regarding neural stem cells (NSCs) and neural cells. By adding KBM Neural Stem Cell Supplement to this medium and proceeding suspension culture, it is capable of culturing NSCs as neurospheres. Cultured neurospheres can produce new neurospheres by dispersing cells and re-culturing. It is also capable of inducing differentiation of NSCs into neural cells by adherent cell cultures of neurospheres, without addition of supplement.

  • A kit based on a test developed by the Japan Fruit Juice Association, detects contamination with Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris and related Thermo-acidophilic Bacilli (TAB) by their production of guaiacol.

Product Features

【KBM Neural Stem Cell + Supplement】
  • Serum-free and chemically-defined
  • Capable of both undifferentiated proliferation and inducing differentiation of NSCs.
  • Confirmed the capability to culture NSCs derived human iPS cells.
  • Chemically-defined spplement(50x concentration)
  • Contains retinoic acid(vitaminA)

Culture Examples

kjn-neural-stem-cell-02a.png kjn-neural-stem-cell-02b.png kjn-neural-stem-cell-02c.png
(a)PDT variation at passages of NSCs (b)Total number of NSCs at passages (c)Picture of cultured neurospheres
kjn-neural-stem-cell-02d.png kjn-neural-stem-cell-02e.png  
(d)Picture of differentiated neurons (e)Picture of cultured neurospheres  



Culture Conditions (a,b,c)

 Differentiation Induction Assay(d)

Culture Condition(e)

Culture medium

KBM Neural Stem Cell+KBM Neural Stem Cell Supplement

KBM Neural Stem Cell

KBM Neural stem cell + KBM XB2

Cell culture vessel

6 well cell culture plate(corning 3471)

Cell culture cover glass
Poly-L-ornithine coating

Cell culture cover glass
Poly-L-ornithine coating


Cells were seeded at 1×105 cells/mL, and passaged every 5 days.

Neurospheres were seeded and cultured for 5 days.
Neurospheres were seeded
and cultured for 5 days




 Green : anti-β tubulin ⅢBlue : anti-GFAPRed : anti-CNPase


 Product Lineup

Catalog Number Product name Size
KJN-16050100 KBM Neural Stem Cell 500mL
KJN-16050300 KBM Neural Stem Cell Supplement 1mL
KJN-16050400 KBM XB2 10mL

Documents & Links for KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium)
Datasheet KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium) Datasheet

Documents & Links for KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium)
Datasheet KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium) Datasheet

Citations for KBM Neural Stem Cell (Serum-free basal medium) – 3 Found
Nakamura, Ryota; Nonaka, Risa; Oyama, Genko; Jo, Takayuki; Kamo, Hikaru; Nuermaimaiti, Maierdanjiang; Akamatsu, Wado; Ishikawa, Kei-Ichi; Hattori, Nobutaka. A defined method for differentiating human iPSCs into midbrain dopaminergic progenitors that safely restore motor deficits in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers In Neuroscience. 17( 37502682):1202027.  PubMed
Ago, Kentaro; Nagoshi, Narihito; Imaizumi, Kent; Kitagawa, Takahiro; Kawai, Momotaro; Kajikawa, Keita; Shibata, Reo; Kamata, Yasuhiro; Kojima, Kota; Shinozaki, Munehisa; Kondo, Takahiro; Iwano, Satoshi; Miyawaki, Atsushi; Ohtsuka, Masanari; Bito, Haruhiko; Kobayashi, Kenta; Shibata, Shinsuke; Shindo, Tomoko; Kohyama, Jun; Matsumoto, Morio; Nakamura, Masaya; Okano, Hideyuki. A non-invasive system to monitor in vivo neural graft activity after spinal cord injury. Communications Biology. 2022;5(1):803.  PubMed
Kawai, Momotaro; Imaizumi, Kent; Ishikawa, Mitsuru; Shibata, Shinsuke; Shinozaki, Munehisa; Shibata, Takahiro; Hashimoto, Shogo; Kitagawa, Takahiro; Ago, Kentaro; Kajikawa, Keita; Shibata, Reo; Kamata, Yasuhiro; Ushiba, Junichi; Koga, Keisuke; Furue, Hidemasa; Matsumoto, Morio; Nakamura, Masaya; Nagoshi, Narihito; Okano, Hideyuki. Long-term selective stimulation of transplanted neural stem/progenitor cells for spinal cord injury improves locomotor function. Cell Reports. 2021;37(8):110019.  PubMed