IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE

IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE


Catalog No:

Please note that Koma Biotech items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Description: Rat IgA ELISA Core Kit contains 4 core components required for the quantitative measurement of Rat IgA in a sandwich ELISA format. All reagents are sufficient to assay Rat IgA in approximately 1000 ELISA plate wells.  

Components: Coating antibody HRP conjugated detection antibody Calibrated Standard (for generating standard curve) pink-ONE TMB Substrate Solution  

Sample Type: Serum, Plasma, Supernatants from cell cultures  

Product Specifications
Reactivity Rat
Documents & Links for IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE
Vendor Page IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE at LABISKOMA

Documents & Links for IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE
Vendor Page IgA, Rat, ELISA Core Kit, pink-ONE