EzWay Plant Direct PCR Kit

Catalog No:

EzWay™ Plant Direct PCR Kit enables DNA amplification directly from plant leaves without DNA extraction. Punch to isolate disks of leaf tissue and incubate in the provided lysis buffer for 10 minutes and then use 1ul of lysate for PCR.

Please note that Koma Biotech items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions.

EzWay™ Plant Direct PCR Kit enables DNA amplification directly from plant leaves without DNA extraction. Use a leaf disc puncher to isolate disks of leaf tissue and incubate in the provided lysis buffer for 10 minutes and then use 1ul of lysate for PCR. Or when using 0.5 mm leaf disc punches, the leaf sample can be used directly as a template without lysis. Direct Taq PCR MasterMix provided in this kit is a convenient mixture of Taq enzyme, dNTP, MgCl2, dye, additives and Direct PCR Buffer, so you can just add the leaf lysate (or leaf punch) and primers, and then go for PCR. This kit will save you enormous amounts of material, cost and time as compared to conventional PCR methods employing mechanical disruption, organic extraction, column DNA purification, or alcohol precipitation. Also, it reduces risk of handling errors and contamination.


  • Amplification of genomic DNA directly from plant leaves without DNA extraction
  • Only 10-minute incubation required
  • No need for Proteinase K
  • Simple and fast PCR procedure requiring minimal handling
  • Saves enormous amounts of material and time
  • Optimized Master Mix containing:
    • EzWay™ Taq PCR enzyme
    • dNTP
    • Direct PCR Buffer
    • MgCl2
    • red dye
    • additives
  • Directly load PCR products without adding red dye
  • Perform 80 reactions at 20ul PCR volume
Documents & Links for EzWay Plant Direct PCR Kit
Vendor Page EzWay Plant Direct PCR Kit at LABISKOMA

Documents & Links for EzWay Plant Direct PCR Kit
Vendor Page EzWay Plant Direct PCR Kit