EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix (2x)

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Please note that Koma Biotech items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Description: EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix is a premixed solution for multiplex real-time PCR quantification of DNA and cDNA targets (up to 5 targets). It contains Hot Taq DNA Polymerase, the specialized reaction buffer for probe-based Multiplex qPCR, and dNTPs. Hot Taq DNA Polymerase, a chemically modified form of Taq DNA Polymerase, sustains an inactive form at ambient temperature and activated by a 15 minutes at 95°C. Thus it provides high specificity in hot-start PCR. Also, the enzyme has 5'-nuclease activity required for some real time qPCR, e.g. TaqMan assay. EzWay™ Multiplex PCR qMasterMix guarantees the highly specific and reproducible quantitative results. EzWay™ Multiplex PCR qMasterMix with ROX is supplemented with the proper ROX [passive reference dye] concentration to allow fluorescence normalization on cyclers, such as ABI7000, ABI7300, ABI7700, ABI7900HT, ABI7500, Stratagene Mx3000, Mx3005P, and MX4000.  

Features: Multiplex real-time PCR Real-time quantitative PCR of DNA and cDNA targets using a fluorescent probe High PCR specificity and sensitivity Simple reaction setup at room temperature Minimal optimization required High reproducibility Stable at 4°C  

Applications: •Multiplex PCR, PCR-based DNA fingerprinting (VNTR, STR, and RAPD) etc. •Real-time PCR  

Documents & Links for EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix (2x)
Vendor Page EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix (2x) at LABISKOMA

Documents & Links for EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix (2x)
Vendor Page EzWay Multiplex PCR qMasterMix (2x)