ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg)

Catalog No:

GM2163 is an E. coli K12 strain, which is deficient in both dam and dcm genes, is suitable for the propagation of plasmid or cloned DNA to be cut with Dam or Dcm-sensitive restriction enzymes.

This strain is not recommended as a host for primary cloning/ligation since the dam mutation can result in higher mutation rates and a reduction in the transformation efficiency.

  • Chloramphenicol resistant
  • Not suitable for blue/white screening
  • Not recommended as a host for primary cloning/ligation
  • Propagation of plasmid-free of Dam and Dcm methylations

Fara14 leuB6 fhuA31 lacY1 tsx78 glnV44 galK2 galT22 mcrA dcmhisG4 rfbD1 rpsL136 dam13::Tn9 xylA5 mtl1 thi-1 mcrB1 hsdR2


  • Efficiency >1 x 10^7 cfu/μg
  • 100 μl/vial (10 or 80 vials)
  • Control Plasmid: (pUC19)

Documents & Links for ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg)
Manual ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg) Manual
Vendor Page ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg) at Yeastern

Documents & Links for ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg)
Manual ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg) Manual
Vendor Page ECOS 2163 GM2163 Competent Cells (>=5 x10^7 cfu/μg)