DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay

Catalog No:

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The kit is designed to determine cell proliferation

Background: DNA is a reliable endpoint for cell proliferation assays. This proliferation assay, is based on the enhanced fluorescence and shift in the emission wavelength of the fluorochrome Hoechst 33258 upon binding cellular DNA At time points of interest, the plates are emptied of media and stored frozen. When the assay is to be performed, cultures are briefly incubated in a lysate media and frozen again. This process lyses the cells and allows rapid and thorough mixing of the fluorochrome and cellular DNA. Freezing permits convenient storage of cultures until the time of assay, so experiments can be batched. This fact, results in a reduction of the processing time and gives a better intra and inter-experimental standardization. The assay here presents, generates a linear standard curve for DNA fluorescence versus cell number. This, enables the rapid and accurate measurement of cell number involving minimal processing time, making this assay suited for cell proliferation studies

Documents & Links for DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay
Manual DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay Manual
Vendor Page DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay at BQCkit

Documents & Links for DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay
Manual DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay Manual
Vendor Page DNA Quantitation Kit-Hoechst Assay