Defined Medium for Late Stage Porcine Embryos

Catalog No:

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Defined medium for late stage porcine embryos (PBM) PBM is a medium that has added glucose and glycine in the defined medium for porcine embryos (PZM-5) ##1)###.

PBM medium takes advantage for an improved embryo development after the morula stage, the increased blastomere numbers of blastocyst and the increased rate of hatched blastocyst formation. This medium effectively supports the embryo development under a low oxygen condition (5%O2/5%CO$$2$$$/90%N2, 39°C).

Porcine IVF Product Name
(scroll down for product descriptions)

Cosmo Bio USA Cat. No.

IFP Cat. No.


Basic Culture Kit for Porcine IVF Embryo Production CSR-CK029 IFP100PEP-BK

1 kit

Complete Culture Kit Porcine IVF Embryo Production CSR-CK030 IFP101PEP-CK 1 kit
POE-CM (Porcine Oocyte/Embryo Collection Medium) CSR-CK020 IFP1040P 5 x 100 ml
POM (Basic Medium For Porcine Oocyte Maturation) CSR-CK021 IFP1010P 3 x 25 ml
HP-POM (High Performance Porcine Oocyte Maturation Medium) CSR-CK022 IFP1011P 3 x 25 ml
dbcAMP-100X (dbcAMP Concentrate, 100x Solution) CSR-CK027 IFP1060P 500 ul
SEM-5X (Porcine Semen Dilution Medium) CSR-CK026 IFP1050P 25 ml
PFM (Porcine Fertilization Medium): CSR-CK023 CSR-CK023 IFP1020 2 x 100 ml
PZM-5 (Porcine Embryo Development Medium) CSR-CK024 IFP0410 3 x 25 ml
PBM (Porcine Blastocyst Medium) CSR-CK025 IFP1030 2 x 25 ml
Reproplate - collagen free 6-well plate for IVF procedures CSR-CK028   10 x 10 plates

Documents & Links for Defined Medium for Late Stage Porcine Embryos
Datasheet csr-ck025_defined-medium-for-late-stage-porcine-embryos_datasheet.pdf
Flyer Porcine IVF Flyer
Vendor Page Defined Medium for Late Stage Porcine Embryos at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for Defined Medium for Late Stage Porcine Embryos
Datasheet csr-ck025_defined-medium-for-late-stage-porcine-embryos_datasheet.pdf
Flyer Porcine IVF Flyer
Vendor Page Defined Medium for Late Stage Porcine Embryos