CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2

Catalog No:

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This Kit provides a convenient method for sensitive measurement of NAD+, NADH and their ratio in cell extracts. This kit is designed for specific detection of NAD+ and NADH by an enzyme cycling reaction.

Product Specifications
Application ELISA
Documents & Links for CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2
Datasheet CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2 Datasheet

Documents & Links for CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2
Datasheet CycLex® NAD+/NADH Colorimetric Assay Kit Ver.2 Datasheet