Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose/Fructose

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For a long term examination that researches early saccharification from fructose. The non-enzymatic reaction of reducing carbohydrates with lysine side chains and N-terminal amino groups of macromolecules (proteins, phospholipids, and nucleic acids) is called the Maillard reaction or glycation. This reaction is initiated by the nonenzymatic reaction of reducing sugars with free amino groups on proteins to form Amadori products. The Amadori products undergo a variety of irreversible dehydration and rearrangement reactions, leading to the formation of advancedglycation end products (AGEs). AGEs have adverse effects on the functional properties of proteins. Many AGEs have fluorescent and covalent cross-linking properties. The accumulation of AGEs is thought to play an important role in the pathogenesis ofdiabetic patients and the aging process.

The collagen that forms bone, skin, and blood vessel is also glycated.

Principle: The collagen gel formed in 96-well plates generates fluorescence after long-term incubation with glucose or fructose at 37°C. Some reagents or natural products inhibit this reaction. The Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose / Fructose is a complete assay system, which is designed to measure fluorescent AGEs using a fluorescence micro plate reader equipped with a 370 nm excitation filter and a 440 nm emission filter.

Documents & Links for Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose/Fructose
Datasheet pmc-ak70-cos_collagen-glycation-assay-kit-glucose--fructose_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose/Fructose at Cosmo Bio LTD

Documents & Links for Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose/Fructose
Datasheet pmc-ak70-cos_collagen-glycation-assay-kit-glucose--fructose_datasheet.pdf
Vendor Page Collagen Glycation Assay Kit, Glucose/Fructose