Blockmaster PA1080 Magnetic Beads

Catalog No:

Blockmaster™ PA1080 is a fully synthetic, water soluble polymer blocking reagent consisting of both hydrophilic and 
hydrophobic units. The optimized combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic units realizes excellent protein/cell blocking 
properties on a wide variety of substrate materials.
Key Properties
• Coating by physical adsorption to different substrate materials — 
PSt, PP, COP, Glass, PDMS, PVDF, Nitro cellulose, etc.
• Simple coating process
• Prevention of non-specific adsorption of proteins/cells
• Various applications: Microfluidics, 3D cell culture, ELISA Plate, etc.
Hydrophillic unit
Hydrophobic unit
Polymer Design
Example Protocol for a Polystyrene 96-Well Plate
1. Add 200 μL of Blockmaster™ PA1080* per well
2. Incubate for 30 min at room temperature and remove
3. Wash the wells x 3 with 350 μL water (proteins) or PBS (cells)
4. Add 100 μL protein or cell solution into the wells
 Blockmaster™ PA1080 coating prevents protein/cell adsorption to the wells
* Recommended concentration is 0.1%-1% but this has to be optimized for each application

Documents & Links for Blockmaster PA1080 Magnetic Beads
FlyerBlockmaster Series
FlyerBlockmaster PA1080

Documents & Links for Blockmaster PA1080 Magnetic Beads
FlyerBlockmaster Series
FlyerBlockmaster PA1080