Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420)

Catalog No:
Application: ICC, IHC 
Clonality: Polyclonal 
Host: Rabbit 
Reactivity: Human 
Protein Description: meiosis 1 associated protein
Gene Name: M1AP
Alternative Gene Name: C2orf65, D6Mm5e, SPATA37
Isotype: IgG
Interspecies mouse/rat: ENSMUSG00000030041: 80%, ENSRNOG00000007288: 80%
Entrez Gene ID: 130951
Uniprot ID: Q8TC57
Buffer: 40% glycerol and PBS (pH 7.2). 0.02% sodium azide is added as preservative.
Storage Temperature: Store at +4°C for short term storage. Long time storage is recommended at -20°C.

Cognate Antibody/Antigen for Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420)
Antigen PrEST Antigen M1AP (ATL-APrEST83442)
Documents & Links for Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420)
Datasheet Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420) Datasheet (External Link)
Vendor Page Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420) at Atlas

Documents & Links for Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420)
Datasheet Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420) Datasheet (External Link)
Vendor Page Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420)

Citations for Anti M1AP pAb (ATL-HPA045420) – 1 Found
Wyrwoll, Margot J; Temel, Şehime G; Nagirnaja, Liina; Oud, Manon S; Lopes, Alexandra M; van der Heijden, Godfried W; Heald, James S; Rotte, Nadja; Wistuba, Joachim; Wöste, Marius; Ledig, Susanne; Krenz, Henrike; Smits, Roos M; Carvalho, Filipa; Gonçalves, João; Fietz, Daniela; Türkgenç, Burcu; Ergören, Mahmut C; Çetinkaya, Murat; Başar, Murad; Kahraman, Semra; McEleny, Kevin; Xavier, Miguel J; Turner, Helen; Pilatz, Adrian; Röpke, Albrecht; Dugas, Martin; Kliesch, Sabine; Neuhaus, Nina; Aston, Kenneth I; Conrad, Donald F; Veltman, Joris A; Friedrich, Corinna; Tüttelmann, Frank. Bi-allelic Mutations in M1AP Are a Frequent Cause of Meiotic Arrest and Severely Impaired Spermatogenesis Leading to Male Infertility. American Journal Of Human Genetics. 2020;107(2):342-351.  PubMed