Toyobo Dashboard
Toyobo Product Categories
1) PCR Enzymes and Kits
2) PCR Related Items
3) Realtime PCR Kits
4) cDNA Synthesis Kits
5) Modifying Enzymes
6) Cloning & Gene Analysis
7) Nucleic Acid Purification
8) Immuno-Reaction Enhancers and Protein Research
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Toyobo Products for Life Science Research
A Treasure Box of Tools for Genetic Engineering
Toyobo Genetic Engineering Dashboard
Index to Toyobo Products for Genetic Engineering and Protein Research
About Toyobo Life Sciences Products
In the 1950s TOYOBO began working on microorganisms when seeking ways of treating waste water from one of our plants that processed pulp for rayon. Scientists in our laboratories discovered that a certain type of yeast was consuming sugar in the waste water and substantially reducing the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) level. We then filtered out the yeast to market it for animal food. As the proportion of nucleic acids in the yeast was extremely high, we separated them out and did research for use in food seasonings. In the 1960s, based on a success in commercializing uricase from Candida sp., the first of its kind, we expanded our focus to include the field of clinical chemistry. Now TOYOBO excels in the market with more than 60 kinds of material enzymes for diagnostic reagents. Also, we provide many kinds of materials and kits for research use in the field of molecular biology to support forefront findings. TOYOBO Healthcare products are renowned both in Japan and around the world for the finest level of quality on the market.
1) PCR Enzymes and Kits
rTth DNA Polymerase DNA polymerase having reverse transcriptase activity
RT-PCR Quick Master Mix One-step RT-PCR Master Mix
rTaq DNA Polymerase Standard PCR Enzyme
Quick Taq™ HS DyeMix Taq DNA polymerase (Dye-premix & Hot-start version)
Blend Taq™ / Blend Taq™ -Plus- High Efficient Taq DNA polymerase
Anti-taq high anti-Taq DNA polymerase antibody
dNTPs Mixture(2mM)
dNTPs Mixture(10mM)
RNase inhibitor
TArget Clone™ High efficient TA cloning kit
TArget Clone™ -Plus- High efficient TA cloning kit for KOD products
10xA-attachment mix dA attachment reagent
Realtime PCR Master Mix Efficient qPCR Master Mix for Probe Assay
SYBR® Green Realtime PCR Master Mix Efficient qPCR Master Mix for Intercalation Assay
SYBR® Green Realtime PCR Master Mix -Plus- Improved qPCR Master Mix for Intercalation Assay
THUNDERBIRD™ qPCR Mix High efficient real-time PCR Master Mix
RNA-direct™ Realtime PCR Master Mix One-step qPCR Master Mix for Probe Assay
RNA-direct™ SYBR® Green Realtime PCR Master Mix
One-step qPCR Master Mix for Intercalation Assay
THUNDERBIRD™ Probe One-step qRT-PCR Kit High Efficient One-step qRT-PCR Kit
KOD SYBR® qPCR Mix High efficient real-time PCR Master Mix with KOD
GenNext™ NGS Library Quantification Kit Library quantification kit for illumina
ReverTra Ace -α-™ High Efficient Reverse Transcription Kit
ReverTra Ace™ qPCR RT Kit & Master Mix: High Efficient Reverse Transcription Kit for Real-time PCR
ReverTra Ace™ qPCR RT Master Mix with gDNA Remover: High Efficient cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA remover
SuperPrep™ Cell Lysis & RT Kit for qPCR: Cultured cell lysis & cDNA Synthesis kit for real-time PCR
SuperPrep™ II Cell Lysis & RT Kit for qPCR: Cell lysis & cDNA Synthesis kit for real-time PCR (For cultured cells)
SuperPrep™ II Cell Lysis Kit for qPCR: Cell lysis & cDNA Synthesis kit for real-time PCR (For cultured cells)
ReverTra Ace™ High Efficient Reverse Transcriptase
Thermo T7 RNA polymerase Thermostable T7 RNA polymerase
dNTPs Mixture(2mM) dNTPs Mixture(10mM)
E. coli Alkaline Phosphatase
Calf Intestine Alkaline Phosphatase
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
6) Cloning & Gene Analysis
MagExtractor -PCR & Gel Clean up- High Efficient DNA Fragment purification Kit
Ligation high Ver.2 Ready-to-use ligation reagent
TArget Clone High efficient TA cloning kit
TArget Clone -Plus- High efficient TA cloning kit for KOD products
10xA-attachment mix dA attachment reagent
KOD -Plus- Mutagenesis Kit Site-directed mutagenesis kit
High efficient hybridization solution PerfectHyb hybridization solution
100 bp DNA Ladder
1 kb DNA Ladder
MagExtractor -Genome- High Efficient Genomic DNA purification Kit
MagExtractor -Plant Genome- High Efficient Plant Genomic DNA purification Kit
MagExtractor -RNA- High Efficient Total RNA purification Kit
MagExtractor -Viral RNA- High Efficient Viral RNA purification Kit
MagExtractor -Plasmid- High Efficient Plasmid purification Kit
MagExtractor -PCR & Gel Clean up- High Efficient DNA Fragment purification Kit
Magical Trapper Magnetic Stand
8) Immunoreaction Enhancers and Western Blotting
Can Get Signal™ Immunoreaction Enhancer Solution
Can Get Signal™Immunostain Immunoreaction Enhancer Solution
PVDF Blocking Reagent for Can Get Signal™ Blocking reagent for western blot analysis