PUREfrex Product Pages

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PUREfrex in the Literature

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  • General Protein Synthesis
    • Improvement of translational efficiency by N-terminal codon optimization in the reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system [2016]
    • Improvement of the translation efficiency of proline residue-containing proteins using the reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system (PUREfrex) [2018] VIEW
    • Investigation on how to synthesize active proteins by using a reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system (PUREfrex) [2020]
  • Disulfide Bonding
    • Synthesis of proteins containing disulfide bonds using a reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system (PUREfrex). [2019]
    • Synthesis of proteins containing disulfide bonds using PUREfrex® with human protein disulfide isomerase [2018] VIEW
    • Synthesis of functionally active proteins containing disulfide bonds using the new PURE system (PUREfrex) [2011]
  • Synthesis of Immunoglobulins and Biologics
    • Unique Cell-Free Protein Synthesis System, PUREfrex -Useful Platform for Protein Expression in the Development of Biologics- [2018] VIEW
    • Preparation of labeled cyclic peptides with PUREfrex [2017]
    • Development of a method for the synthesis of aglycosylated full-length IgG using PUREfrex [2017]
    • Efficient in vitro expression of aglycosylated full-length IgG using a reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system, PUREfrex 2.0 [2016]
    • In vitro production of Fab, Toxin, and Immunotoxin using PUREfrex®2.0 with increased productivity [2015]
    • Synthesis of functionally active proteins containing disulfide bonds using the new PURE system (PUREfrex) [2011]


state-of-the-art protein synthesis by

PUREfrex Custom Kits

With its high reaction component controllability, the PUREfrex reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system enables applications for biological research and drug discovery that are problematic, inefficient, or impossible using extract translation systems. These include, to name a few, insertion of unnatural amino acids, ribosome/virus/mRNA in vitro display, and mechanistic analysis of prokaryotic translation.

PUREfrex custom kits are your convenient route to applications and experiments limited only by your imagination. Tell us what you need. If technically feasible, Gene Frontier will do all they can to meet your specifications and timelines.

Most PUREfrex custom kits are built from PUREfrex 1.0 reaction components, which are fully disclosed as described below. But please don't hesitate to contact us with any request.

Components of PUREfrex® 1.0
Solution 1
(Buffers, Salts, Substrates
Solution II
 Solution III
Hepes-KOH pH 7.6 20 Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARS) Ribosomes 
Potassium glutamate Methionyl-tRNA transformylase (MTF)  
Magnesium acetate Initiation factors (IF1, IF2, IF3)  
Spermidine 3 Elongation factors (EF-Tu, EF-Ts, EF-G)  
Dithiothreitol 3 Release factors (RF1, RF2, RF3)  
10-Formyl-tetrahydrofolate Ribosome recycling factor (RRF)  
4 NTPs T7 RNA polymerase  
20 Amino acids Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK)  
Creatine phoshate

Adenylate kinase (ADK, myokinase)

tRNA mixture Ceatine kinase (CK)  
  Pyrophosphatase (PPiase)  

 Custom Kit Examples

  • (-) RF1: For synthesis of a protein containing a noncanonical amino acid by amber suppression as below.
  • (-) T7 RNA polymerase: For use of other RNA polymerase such as E.coli RNA polymerase.
  • (-) Specific amino acid(s) and/oraminoacyl-tRNA synthetase:  For synthesis of a protein containing noncanonical amino acid or less than 20 amino acids.


PUREfrex Custom Kit Ordering Information


Custom kits are sold under a usage rights agreement with the Gene Frontier (“GFC”). Usage rights are limited.

Agreement terms (abridged)

  1. Materials are for internal research use only, and only for non-clinical use.
  2. Material is for non-commercial use. Transfer of materials to any third party is prohibited.
  3. Material is not to be modified beyond the Purpose of Use stated in the Agreement.
  4. Customer shall promptly notify GFC if any new invention is made through the use of the Material or its components.
  5. Any new invention relating to use of the Materials belongs to GFC.
  6. Ownership of any products themselves synthesized through the use of the Materials belong to Customer.
  7. Industrial use of the Materials for in vitro display purposes is prohibited without a separate “License Agreement.”  

Agreement Procedure 

  1. Request a custom use agreement by email stating purpose of use from Cosmo Bio USA (info@cosmobiousa.com).
  2. Review the Agreement.
  3. Request feasibility of your custom design including quantity, packaging, timing, etc.  
  4. Return the Agreement signed by an authorized signer. 
  5. Receive a catalog number for your request and pricing from Cosmo Bio USA.
  6. Place order using the received catalog number..

Request for Quotation

  • Prices are set by reaction volume.
  • Sold in 1mL reaction volume increments. Minimum order is 1 mL.
  • Request price quotes from Cosmo Bio USA (info@cosmobiousa.com)

Which PUREfrex Kit Is Right For Me?

PUREfrex® coupled transcription/translation system kits are available in four versions. 

  • PUREfrex® 2.0 - Choose 2.0 when protein yield is you primary goal and disulfide bonding is not relevant.
  • PUREfrex® 2.1 -  2.1 kits are based on 2.0 reaction components but are not premixed with reducing agent. 2.1 kits include separate vials of cysteine, DTT, and reduced glutathione allowing control of the redox environment. Choose 2.1 kits for primarily for target proteins with disulfide bonds.   
  • PUREfrex® 1.0 - 1.0 kits produce less protein than 2.X kits, but the complete contents of 1.0 kits is disclosed. Chose 1.0 when complete information on PUREfrex reaction components takes precedence over protein yield. 
  • PUREfrex® 1.0 Custom - Gene Fronteir is happy to provide custom reaction mixtures whenever feasible. Custom PUREfrex kits are based on 1.0 reaction components. Please contact us with your request.  

For detailed information about each PUREfrex® version, please use the navigation links in the sidebar at left. 

Please Note: All protein components in all PUREfrex versions are tag free allowing the synthesis of protein with any desired tag.  

PUREfrex Ordering Information
Product Name
(click for price and order info)
Catalog Number Total Reaction Volume Product Information Page
PUREfrex 2.0
GFK-PF201-0.1-EX 100 ul 2.0
GFK-PF201-0.25-EX 250 ul
GFK-PF201-2ML-EX 2 ml
GFK-PF201-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
GFK-PF201-50ML-EX 25 x 2ml
Current generation kit for protein synthesis. Contains DTT as a reducing agent.
PUREfrex 2.1
GFK-PF213-0.1-EX 100 ul 2.1
GFK-PF213-0.25-EX 250 ul
GFK-PF213-2ML-EX 2 ml
 GFK-PF213-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
 GFK-PF213-50ML-EX 25 x 2ml
Current generation kit for proteins with disulfide bonds. Formulated for user control of redox environment. 
PUREfrex 1.0
GFK-PF001-0.25-EX 250 ul 1.0
GFK-PF001-2ML-EX 2 ml
 GFK-PF001-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
 GFK-PF001-50ML-EX 25 x 2ml
Prior generation kit for protein science research and synthetic biology. Components are fully disclosed.
Custom formulated kits are based on 1.0 components. Please inquire about custom kits  
PUREfrex Reaction Supplements
DnaK Mix GFK-PF003-0.5-EX for 500 ul of reaction mix Supplements 
GFK-PF003-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
GFK-PF003-50ML-EX 2 x 25ml
GroE Mix GFK-PF004-0.5-EX for 500 ul of reaction mix Supplements 
PF004-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
PF004-50ML-EX 25 x 2ml
Supplements for synthesis of aggregate-prone proteins.
DsbC Set GFK-PF005-0.5-EX for 500 ul of reaction mix Supplements 
PF005-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
PF005-50ML-EX 25 x 2 ml
PDI Set GFK-PF006-0.5-EX for 500 ul of reaction mix  Supplements 
PF006-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
PF006-50ML-EX 25 x 2 ml
Supplements for synthesis of proteins containing disufide bonds.
EF-P GFK-PFS052-0.5-EX for 500 ul of reaction mix  Supplements 
PFS052-10ML-EX 5 x 2 ml
PFS052-50ML-EX 25 x 2 ml
Supplement for use when consecutive prolines are in target protein.