Breast Milk Exosome

This product is an exosomal fraction prepared by ultracentrifugation from breast milk donated by healthy humans through ethically appropriate procedures.The raw breast milk has been confirmed by FDA-approved methods to be free of infection (HIV-1, HCV, HBV by NAT, HBsAg, HCV Ab, HIV 1 and 2 Ab, RPR).

Recently, exosomes have been discovered in the milk of a variety of mammals, including human. It was shown that several exosome markers, such as CD63 and CD81, were also expressed in human breast milk. It has been reported that human breast milk contains many microRNAs, especially those involved in immunity. It was suggested that these exosomal microRNAs might be transferred from mother to infant through breast milk. It has been reported that immunocytes are regulated by exosomes present in human breast milk. It has also been reported that exosomes derived from pig breast milk exhibited a growth-stimulating effect directly upon infant intestinal epithelial cells. Because of these studies, the function and mechanisms of action of exosomes in breast milk have attracted considerable attention.
The raw breast milk has been confirmed by FDA-approved methods to be free of infection (HIV-1, HCV, HBV by NAT, HBsAg, HCV Ab, HIV 1 and 2 Ab, RPR).


Figure.1 Representative Western Blot analysis using CD9, CD63 or CD81 monoclonal antibody.

Using 0.5 μ g of protein as a sample, each protein was detected by western blot using Anti-CD9 monoclonal antibody (Cat. No. SHI-EXO-M01), AntiCD63 monoclonal antibody (Cat. No. SHI-EXO-M02), and Anti-CD81 monoclonal antibody (Cat. No. SHIEXO-M03).

Figure2. Particle size distribution measurement was performed using NanoSight.

The Breast Milk Exosome, Human (Cat. No. EXHM100L) was diluted x200 using PBS, then particle size distribution was measured using NanoSight LM10.
Mean particle size: 179nm
The number of particle in this product: 2.3 × 1012 Particles
*The number of exosome particles will be different between product-lot. Please consult with the CoA.

Figure3. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images (X 20.0K)

Product List

Breast Milk Exosome, Human

Product nameCatalog Number
Breast Milk exosome, Human CSR-EXHM100L

Anti-Human Tetraspanin Monoclonal Antibodies

Product nameCatalog Number
Anti CD9, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 12A12 CAC-SHI-EXO-M01
Anti CD63, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 8A12 CAC-SHI-EXO-M02
Anti CD81, Human (Mouse) Unlabeled, 12C4 CAC-SHI-EXO-M03