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Atlas Antibodies Dashboard


Primary Antibodies

  • PrecisA Monoclonals
    Atlas Antibodies provides PrecisA Monoclonals which are mouse monoclonals developed against several carefully selected target proteins. We select clones recognizing unique non-overlapping epitopes and/or isotypes. PrecisA Monoclonals are epitope mapped with defined specificity and isotyped to be ideal for multiplexing.
  • Triple A Polyclonals
    Atlas Antibodies provides Triple A Polyclonals which are rabbit polyclonals developed within the Human Protein Atlas project. The antibodies are validated on all major tissues and organs in the human body.

PrEST Antigens

  • PrEST Antigen™ are recombinant protein fragments used as immunogens to generate Triple A Polyclonals™ antibodies and PrecisA Monoclonals™ antibodies. The PrEST Antigens are useful as control antigens, for example as blocking agents and positive assay controls together with the corresponding antibody.


MolBoolean™ Mouse/Rabbit Kit 

  • MolBoolean™ is a novel in situ proximity technology developed by Atlas Antibodies that enables the simultaneous detection of both free and interacting fractions for two protein targets.

Atlas Antibodies is a Swedish biotechnology company driving leading research worldwide through providing affinity-purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and control antigens. Their product portfolio extensively covers human proteins in cells, tissues, and organs.
With their roots in the Human Protein Atlas project, an integration of antibody-based imaging, proteomics, and transcriptomics, our antibodies are selective and specific for their target proteins through our extensive validation process, ensuring reproducible results.
They support you in your research. Our scientific support content and newsletter provide you with timely information about new product releases, research highlights, posters, infographics, and much more. In addition, their website contains informative whitepapers, protocols, guides, roundups of recent research papers, and blog posts.

They're growing fast, having acquired two companies in 2021. UK-based HistoCyte Laboratories produces high quality, reproducible cell line controls for same-slide use in histopathology available in multiple formats to suit your specific workflow and requirements. evitria is a world leading, global recombinant antibody expression service provider located in Zurich, Switzerland.