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Gelatin Zymography/Fluorescent Labeled

Gelatin Zymographygrapzy Electrophoresis Kit

Simplifies the detection and confirmation of MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases) as much as possible


This is a kit for easily performing gelatin Zymography electrophoresis for detection and confirmation of MMPs contained in blood, body fluids, secretions, tissues, cells, and cell culture solutions of humans and various animals.

Zymography Kit Q&A


MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases) are one of the metalloprotease families, and more than 20 types have been identified as enzymes involved in the metabolism of extracellular matrix components in vivo, such as tumor invasion/metastasis, inflammatory tissue, and angiogenesis. increase. As one of the detection methods of MMPs, electrophoretic separation and enzymatic activity detection (Zymography) are widely used. This kit consists of precast gels for gelatin Zymography using gelatin as a substrate, various buffers, and MMP markers. Please use it to detect and confirm MMP contained in blood, body fluids, secretions, tissues, cells, and cell culture solutions of humans and various animals.

The Fluorescent Labeled Gelatin Zymography Electrophoresis Kit consists of a precast gel with fluorescently labeled gelatin as a substrate protein, various buffers, and a set of MMP markers to facilitate gelatin Zymography electrophoresis. Fluorescently labeled gels allow continuous confirmation of enzymatic reactions.

          MMP activity in tears by gelatin zymography

MMP activity in tear fluid by gelatin Zymography
(left) Gelatin Zymography electrophoresis kit (Cosmo Bio-type, product number: AK47 is used) (
   1) Pro-MMP9 (2) Pro-MMP2 (3) MMP2
(right) Electrophoresis pattern after time (using Cosmo Bio type, product number: AK83)
   M1: Molecular weight marker M2: MMP marker

Photographed with a gel imager (fluorescence wavelength is 535 nm). Or refer to the FITC wavelength (excitation wavelength 495 nm, fluorescence wavelength 520 nm). 

Table 1. Gelatin Zymography: comparison of unlabeled and fluorescently labeled

  unlabeled fluorescent label
electrophoresis 1 hour 1 hour
Gel washing (SDS removal) 1 hour 1 hour
enzyme reaction 20 hours to 40 hours 3 hours to 40 hours
Visualization method Protein staining
1 hour
Capable of continuous observation even during enzymatic reaction
bleaching Several days unnecessary


Atto type

  • Compatible with Atto's mini gel type.
sign Product name Composition Catalog number
Unlabeled Gelatin Zymography electrophoresis kit (ATTO type) 12 samples x 5 times
Enzyme reaction buffer (10x concentrated) 25 mL 1
Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel 12 well 5 sheets
(sold separately, part number: AK46)
Electrophoresis buffer (10x concentrated) 100 mL 2
Washing solution (10x concentrated) 100 mL 1
Sample preparation buffer 5 mL 1
Staining solution 100 mL 1
MMP marker (ProMMP-2, MMP-2, ProMMP-9) 0.2 mL 1 vial
Gelatin Zymography electrophoresis Precast gel (Atto type) Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel 5 sheets PMC-AK46
  120W x 100H x 1 mm 12 well
(Product number: Same as included in AK45) 10 sheets PMC-AK49
Fluorescent label Fluorescent Labeled Gelatin Zymography Electrophoresis Kit (Atto Type)         For 12 samples x 5 times
Buffer for electrophoresis (10-fold concentrated) 100 mL 2 Washing buffer (10-fold
Fluorescent-labeled gelatin Zymography
electrophoresis precast gel 12 wells 5 sheets
(sold separately, product number: AK81)
concentrated) 100 mL 1 For this enzyme reaction Buffer (10x concentrated) 25 mL 1
MMP markers
Sample conditioning buffer 5 mL 1
(ProMMP-2, MMP-2, ProMMP-9) 0.2 mL 1
Fluorescent-labeled gelatin Zymography electrophoresis Precast gel (Atto type) Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel
 120W x 100H x 1 mm 12 well 5 sheets
5 sheets PMC-AK81
(Product number: Same as included in AK80) 10 sheets PMC-AK82

Cosmo Bio type

  • Compatible with Cosmo Bio, Daiichi Kagaku, Novex, Biocraft, Tefco, Nippon Aid, and Marisol electrophoresis equipment.
sign Product name Composition Catalog number
Unlabeled Gelatin Zymography Electrophoresis Kit (Cosmo Biotype) 12 samples x 5 times
Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel 12 well 5 sheets
(sold separately, part number: AK48)
Electrophoresis buffer (10x concentrated) 100 mL 2
Washing solution (10x concentrated) 100 mL 1
Enzyme reaction buffer (10x concentrated) 25 mL 1
Sample preparation buffer 5 mL 1
Staining solution 100 mL 1
MMP marker
(ProMMP-2, MMP-2, ProMMP-9) 0.2 mL 1 vial
Gelatin Zymography electrophoresis
precast gel
(Cosmo Bio type)
Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel 5 sheets PMC-AK48
100W x 100H x 1 mm 12 well
(Product number: Same as included in AK47) 10 sheets PMC-AK50
Fluorescent label Fluorescent Labeled Gelatin Zymography Electrophoresis Kit (Cosmo Biotype)   12 samples x 5 times
Fluorescent-labeled gelatin Zymography
electrophoresis precast gel 12 wells 5 sheets
(sold separately, product number: AK84)
Buffer for electrophoresis (10-fold concentrated) 100 mL 2 Washing buffer (10-fold concentrated) 100 mL 1 For this enzyme reaction Buffer (10x concentrated) 25 mL 1 Sample conditioning buffer 5 mL 1
MMP markers
(ProMMP-2, MMP-2, ProMMP-9) 0.2 mL 1
Fluorescent-labeled gelatin Zymography electrophoresis Precast gel (Cosmo Bio type) Gelatin Zymographyphoresis precast gel 5 sheets PMC-AK84
100W x 100H x 1 mm 12 well 5 sheets
(Product number: Same as included in AK83) 10 sheets PMC-AK85
Scale illustration of a precast gel plate

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    Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 Improves The Transplanted Adipocyte Survival in Mice.
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    Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases Protect Blood-brain Barrier Disruption in Focal Cerebral Ischemia.
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  6. Nakano, K., Hokamura, K., Taniguchi, N., Wada, K., Kudo, C., Nomura, R., Kojima, A., Naka, S., Muranaka, Y., Thura, M., Nakajima, A., Masuda, K., Nakagawa, I., Speziale, P., Shimada, N., Amano, A., Kamisaki, Y., Tanaka, T., Umemura, K., Ooshima, T.
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  8. Lourbakos, A., Yau, N., de Bruijn, P., Hiller, M., Kozaczynska, K., Jean-Baptiste, R., Reza, M., Wolterbeek, R., Koeks, Z., Ayoglu, B., de Klerk, D., Campion, G., Zaharieva, I., Nadarajah, VD., Nilsson, P., Al-Khalili Szigyarto, C., Muntoni, F., Lochmuller, H., Verschuuren, JJ., Goemans, N., Tulinius, M., Niks, EH., de Kimpe, S., Aartsma-Rus, A., 't Hoen, PAC., Spitali, P.
    Evaluation of serum MMP-9 as predictive biomarker for antisense therapy in Duchenne.
    Sci. Rep. 7, 17888 (2017), (PMID:29263366)

Gelatin Zymography electrophoresis kit (ATTO type)

Catalog Number Product Name Size
PMC-AK45 Gelatin Zymography Kit (ATTO type: wide thick plates) 1 Kit

Gelatin Zymography Electrophoresis Kit (Cosmo Bio type)

Catalog Number Product Name Size
PMC-AK47 Gelatin Zymography Kit (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 1 Kit
PMC-AK48 Gelatin Zymography Precast Gels (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 5 Plates
PMC-AK48 Gelatin Zymography Precast Gels (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 10 Plates
PMC-AK83 FITC-labeled Gelatin Zymography Kit (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 1 Kit
PMC-AK84 FITC-labeled Gelatin Zymography Precast Gels (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 5 Plates
PMC-AK84 FITC-labeled Gelatin Zymography Precast Gels (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates) 10 Plates

MMP marker

Catalog Number Product Name Size
PMC-AK38 Human MMP Marker 200 ul