Cell / Cell culture products
Quantification of mucin in feces by fluorescence measurement
Fecal mucin assay kit
Mucin is a type of glycoprotein and a major component of mucus such as saliva, tears, gastric juice, and intestinal juice. The basic structure is a glycoprotein containing a large amount of sugars with a molecular weight of 1 to 10 million. The core is a repeating peptide structure of 10 to 80 residues. N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) at the reducing end is frequently linked via O-glycosidic bonds (see Figure 1).
It is a molecule in which sugar chains are attached to a peptide backbone in the form of branches, and the heterogeneity of the structure of the branched sugar chains creates diversity, which realizes various physiological functions. Among these, sugar chains that have a specific molecular recognition function and recognize proteins on the surface of viruses and bacteria are also known. Due to these properties, in the intestinal tract, it works to prevent viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and toxins derived from bacteria from crossing the intestinal wall and moving into the blood. ).
Figure 2 Intestinal barrier function by mucin
Intended use
- It is possible to measure the mucin content in feces by measuring the fluorescence intensity obtained by degrading O-glycans by β-elimination under alkaline conditions and simultaneously labeling the reducing ends of sugar chains with fluorescence.
- It can be used for the development of functional foods, research on intestinal flora, food and agriculture.
Kit Components
- Buffer A: 100 mL x 3
- Buffer B: 25 mL x 1 bottle
- Buffer C: 25 mL x 1 bottle
- Reagent A: 1.0 mL x 1 bottle
- Reagent B: 1.5 mL x 2 bottles
- Standard solution ( N -acetylgalactosamine: 250 μg/mL): 1.0 mL x 1 bottle
- Enzyme solution: 1.5 mL x 1 bottle
Required but not included in the kit
- Purified water
- 99.5% ethanol
- Fluorescent microplate reader and black plate
- Micro test tube (2 mL, 1.5 mL)
- Micro test tube (2 mL, 1.5 mL)
(When you measure with a light spectrophotometer, please prepare a microcell)
Ordering Information
Catalog Number | Product Name | Size | Datasheet |
CSR-FFA-MU-K01 | Fecal Mucin Assay Kit | 1 Kit | Download |
Principle and method
Heat denatures glucosidase in feces to prevent mucin degradation. |
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Crude mucin is extracted. |
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Enzyme solutions are used to degrade dietary starch. |
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Purify the mucin by ethanol precipitation. |
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Reagent A is added to the purified mucin and heat-treated under alkaline conditions. (Reagent B reacts with the sugar chain reducing end of mucin generated by alkali treatment and emits fluorescence.) * |
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After adding buffer C, fluorescence is measured (excitation: 336 nm, fluorescence: 383 nm). |
*At this time, the mucin content (as N -acetylgalactosamine equivalent) can be quantified by simultaneously reacting with N -acetylgalactosamine as a standard.
Experimental example
Effect of polyphenol administration on the intestinal environment of rats fed a high-fat diet
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Figure 1 Calibration curve for mucin determination |
Fig. 2 Mucin content in feces
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