CosmoSonic™ II Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor: Base Units

Left to Right: Type 6.... Type 12....Type 24

Simply put: the base unit you choose will depend on the number and size of samples you want to process in the same run.  The accessory products then depend on both the base unit and the size of the samples. 


Altogether, there are four CosmoSonic instruments available: three types of CosmoSonic-II (Type 6, Type 12, Type 24) and one type of CosmoSonic-One. This page discusses only the three types of CosmoSonic-II.


Fundamentally, all base unit Types are similar, differing only in the size of the gear plate/tube holder and the number of gear plates accepted. In the above picture, the gear plates are blue. Certain gear plates accept the adaptors needed for holding microtubes. Select the
base unit/gear plate/adaptor combinations that best fit your work flow. Type 6 accepts only one size small gear plate. Types 6 accepts one large gear plate. Type 12 accepts two large gear plates. 

The gear plates in turn a      

So which base unit should you get? This will depend on how many samples you want to run at the same time.

The following types can process the highlighted volumes and quantities, depending on the accessories purchased. You are welcome to process fewer samples at any given time; for consistent results, however, every spot in the gear plate should be filled. In the spots without samples, please use the same tubes, but filled with water ("dummy tubes").




CosmoSonic™ II Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor

Type 6: BMB-BR2006A


Tube Size
 Number of Samples 0.5mL 1.5mL 10mL 15mL 50mL
1 to 3 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6
4 to 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12
7 to 12 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24
13 to 24 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24 Type 24  
25 to 48 Type 24 Type 24      


 CosmoSonic™ II Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor

Type 12: BMB-BR2012A


Tube Size
 Number of Samples 0.5vmL 1.5mL 10mL 15mL 50mL
1 to 3 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6
4 to 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12
7 to 12 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24
13 to 24 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24 Type 24  
25 to 48 Type 24 Type 24      



CosmoSonic™ II Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor

Type 24: BMB-BR2024A


Tube Size
 Number of Samples 0.5mL 1.5mL 10mL 15mL 50mL
1 to 3 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6
4 to 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12
7 to 12 Type 6 Type 6 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24
13 to 24 Type 12 Type 12 Type 24 Type 24  
25 to 48 Type 24 Type 24