Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit

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Reactive oxygen (ROS) and nitrogen (RNS) species are produced in metabolic and physiological processes and can be overproduced in response to different stimuli. Organisms have different enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative mechanisms to ameliorate the harmful effects of these oxidant species.
An imbalance between oxidant species and the antioxidant defense system leads to an oxidative stress state condition that causes damage to cellular biomolecules, and it is involved in the development of several diseases (e.g. cancer, Parkinson, Alzheimer). Oxidative stress can be evaluated directly by measuring ROS. Major ROS include superoxide, hydroxyl radicals and peroxides.

BQC Peroxide Assay Kit is a quick, easy, and reproducible assay for peroxides quantification in several biological samples.

Documents & Links for Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit
Manual Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit at BQCkit

Documents & Links for Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit
Manual Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Peroxide Quantification Assay Kit