Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One

Catalog No:

A chilled water circulator that uses flake ice as a refrigerant. It cools down to around 4°C more quickly than a general chiller.
A specially designed cold water circulator synchronizes with BIORUPTOR ® -One's ultrasonic wave oscillation timing and circulates cold water when the ultrasonic wave is turned off. It does not affect the efficiency of ultrasonic crushing by water flow.


  • Dedicated cold water circulator is easier to operate.
  • By applying ultrasonic waves in a bathtub filled with cooling water, there is no local temperature rise inside the tube, which is a problem with the drop-in type.

Documents & Links for Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One
Flyer Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One Flyer

Documents & Links for Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One
Flyer Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One Flyer