Cytokine ELISA Combo Kit

Catalog No:

Please note that Koma Biotech items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Description: You can select 2 cytokines in one 96 well plate to see them all at the same time. The prestained TMB supplied in this kit helps you to reduce the pipetting error by indicating the well with color.  

Components: In one kit, you carry 2 different cytokines assay. For each cytokine in the half of 96 well per plate. It is much of cost saving. You can select 2 cytokines what you want the most. Capture Antibody Pre-coated plates are ready to use. Each plate is simply divided by 8 well strip in vertical in order to use easily. This kit provides all necessary reagents for your research. You don't need to pay extra to buy more.  

Sample Type: Serum, Plasma, Supernatants from cell cultures  

Documents & Links for Cytokine ELISA Combo Kit
Vendor Page Cytokine ELISA Combo Kit at LABISKOMA

Documents & Links for Cytokine ELISA Combo Kit
Vendor Page Cytokine ELISA Combo Kit