Cysteine Assay Kit

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Cysteine (Cys) is the only sulfur-containing amino acid with a sulfhydryl group, an important structural and functional amino acid of proteins, which is synthesized from homocysteine in animals. Cys participates in the formation of protein disulfide bonds and it is often a component of the active center of enzymes. It also provides sulfhydryl groups for other biological reactions.
Cys can be accumulated in large amounts on the skin and mucous membranes to maintain normal metabolism of the skin during keratin and melanin production. Cys is also involved in several redox pathways and it is a precursor of glutathione. Low levels of Cys have been related to damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS), while high levels have been related to several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

BQC Cysteine Assay Kit is a quick, easy, and reproducible assay to quantify cysteine content in a wide variety of samples.

Documents & Links for Cysteine Assay Kit
Manual Cysteine Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Cysteine Assay Kit at BQCkit

Documents & Links for Cysteine Assay Kit
Manual Cysteine Assay Kit Manual
Vendor Page Cysteine Assay Kit