Schwann Cell

For neurological research such as nerve regeneration and demyelinating diseases

The mouse Schwann cell line IMS32 is an immortalized cell line established from dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerve tissue of mature ICR mice and possesses many of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of mature Schwann cells, including various markers of Schwann cells and enhanced neurite outgrowth of neurons. Please utilize for neurological research such as nerve regeneration and demyelinating diseases. The rat Schwann cell line IFRS1 expresses glial cell proteins, such as S100 and GFAP, and in studies conducted by Dr. Kazunori Sango and Dr. Kazuhiko Watabe of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, the myelinogenic potential1),2),3) was confirmed in a co-culture system with PC12 and DRG neurons.


Schwann cells are cells that form and maintain the myelin sheath surrounding the axons of peripheral nerves and produce cytokines and other substances important for the maintenance of motor and sensory neurons. In addition, it has recently become clear that Schwann cells play a major role in axon guidance and repair during axon regeneration after nerve injury. Schwann cell abnormalities have also been noted as a causative factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


  1. Sango K, Yanagisawa H, Kawakami E, et al. Spontaneously immortalized Schwann cells from adult Fischer rat as a valuable tool for exploring neuron-Schwann cell interactions. J Neurosci Res 2011;89:898-908.
  2. Sango K, Kawakami E, Yanagisawa H, et al. Myelination in coculture of established neuronal and Schwann cell lines. Histochem Cell Biol 2012;137:829-839.
  3. Sango, Kazunori, et al. "Immortalized adult rodent Schwann cells as in vitro models to study diabetic neuropathy." Experimental diabetes research 2011


Fluorescence immunostaining and phase contrast microscopy images
Left Anti p75 antibody fluorescence staining (Green: Anti p75, Blue: nuclear staining)
Central Anti S100 antibody fluorescence staining (Green: Anti S100, Blue: nuclear staining)
Right phase-contrast microscope

Product List


Product nameCatalog Number
Schwann Cell Line (IMS32), Mouse SWN-IMS32C
Schwann Cell Line (IFRS1), Rat SWN-IFRS1C


  1. In accordance with the license agreement with the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science regarding this product, you are prohibited to use the cells only for your own research purposes and not to provide (distribute, lend, transfer, license to use, etc.) the cells to any third party.
  2. Cells are confirmed mycoplasma negative.
  3. If you do not use the frozen cells immediately after receiving them, please store them in liquid nitrogen.
  4. Cells should be used with each specialized medium.

Product List

Culture Medium

Product nameCatalog Number
Schwann Cell (IMS32) Medium, Mouse SWNMM
Schwann Cell (IFRS1) Medium, Rat SWNMR