Mebiol® Gel Frequently Asked Questions

Questions regarding Physical Properties of Mebiol Gel®
Questions regarding Mebiol Gel® and compatible cell types
Other Questions
Questions regarding Physical Properties of Mebiol Gel®
Question | When the temperature is above 37°C (or even higher up to 60°C) , what happens to the gel? |
Answer |
The gel becomes harder as temperature elevates |
Question | What is the phase state of the sol/gel/hydrogel at the temp between 0°C to 60°C? What is the temp range can the gel phase reversible? |
Answer |
0°C-15°C: Sol 15°C-20°C: Intermediate of sol and gel 20°C: Temperature transition point Over 20°C: Gel Over 37°C: The gel becomes harder as temperature elevates. |
Question | How are the Carbon Dioxide gas and nutrients supplied to cells? Can they dissolve into the cells at hydrogel state? |
Answer |
Nutrition and CO2 enter cells by diffusion in the gel from a multilayer nutrient medium. |
Question | How is the structure strength of the gel at the temp 37°C? |
Answer |
Please see the following paper. Yoshioka H et al, A Synthetic Hydrogel with Thermoreversible Galation and Rheological Properties, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry Volume 31, Issue 1, 1994 |
Question | Are there some holes in the hydrogel? |
Answer |
There is no gap or hole in the hydrogel. |
Question | Is the gel permeable of CO2, N2 and O2? |
Answer |
Yes, the gel is permeable of CO2, N2 and O2. |
Question | When Mebiol Gel® is in the gel state, cells will be surrounded by hydrogel. Is there enough space for cell growth? |
Answer |
Mebiol Gel®'s cross-linked points are reversible even in it's gel state (i.e 37°C). The surrounding gel can change shape in accordance with the cell growth without any gap/spaces. |
Question | How long does it take for Mebiol Gel® to become a gel form from solution when in appropriate temperature? |
Answer |
3 msec |
Question | How many times can we repeat switching sol-gel state? |
Answer |
The sol - gel switch can be repeated until Mebiol gel is broken down chemically. The limit of sol - gel repeat depends on the temperature or the oxygen density after dilution. Normally, it is stable for 1-2 months if stored in refrigerator. For longer storage, keep dispensed liquid under -20°C to -80°C in multi-well plate. |
Question | How much molecular weight of nutrient can go from top into the gel? And what is the relevance between the distant and molecular weight? |
Answer |
The biggest particle size which can diffuse through the 37℃ gel should be sized around molecular weight of around 10,000‐90,000 (the exact size unknown). Particle sizes with molecular weights in their thousands, i.e 1,000‐9,000 don't have a problem diffusing through the gel, but when it gets bigger than this, there are problems. If the molecular size is smaller, diffusive distance will be longer. |
Question | I would like to know the porosity of the gel at cell culture conditions (37°C). |
Answer |
Unfortunately, there isn't any data for gel porosity. However, we have information about "gel diffusive speed in different materials" in the Discussion section of the following paper. Takao et al., Novel drug delivery system using thermoreversible gelation polymer for malignant glioma Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2005) Generally, when the gel concentration is low, gel "diffusive speed" in materials is high. It means when the gel concentration is low, gel porosity is thought to be high. However, it doesn't become gel when the gel concentration is low like 5%. |
Question | What is the minimum gelling wt% of Mebiol Gel®. |
Answer |
The minimum concentration for gelling is around 7 wt%. We recommend that adding 1g of polymer into 10 g medium. This will make a concentration of 9 wt%. |

Questions regarding Mebiol Gel® and compatible cell types
Question | Can we exchange the medium when cell growing at 37°C? |
Answer |
The gel doesn't dissolve in excessive water at 37°C. Thus, you can layer medium on the gel. And you can exchange this layered medium. |
Question | Do cells experience any resistance when cells grow in contact with the edge of the hydrogel? |
Answer |
No |
Question | Is the gel suitable for culturing of T cells or MSC Cells? |
Answer |
We do not have any data or experience culturing T cells in Mebiol Gel®. Regarding MSC cells, please refer to the following paper Yuguo Lei et al., PNAS PLUS E5039E5048 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1309408110 |
Question | Which kind of cells have been successfuly cultured with Mebiol Gel®? |
Answer |
Please refer to our references and citations list to see published papers using Mebiol Gel® to culture cells. |
Question | Can you use this gel to culture human lung epithelial cells? Do you have data for this? |
Answer |
No, unfortunately we do not have any data available. |
Question | Has Mebiol Gel® been used to culture intestinal cells? Is there any data available? |
Answer |
No, unfortunately we do not have any data available. |
Question | Is there any damage to cells when they are harvested (in solution state)? |
Answer |
No |
Question | Can Mebiol Gel® be used for FACS (Flow Cytometry)? Which state does the Gel have to be in? |
Answer |
Yes, it can be used for FACS in its Sol state (low temperature). |
Question | Can Mebiol Gel® be used in vivo? How long can it remain inside a mouse? |
Answer |
Yes, it can be used in vivo (not for human). Mebiol remained in rat brain for more than 28 days as a gel form. You can refer to the following paper for further information. T. Ozeki, K. Hashizawa, D. Kaneko, Y. Imai, H. Okada, “Treatment of rat brain tumors using sustained-release of camptothecin from poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microspheres in a thermoreversible hydrogel”, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 58 (9), 1142-1147 (2010) |
Question | Can Mebiol Gel® be toxic to certain types of cells? If so, which types of cells would that be? |
Answer |
Mebiol Gel® is non-toxic to cells. |
Question | Is there any data for Mebiol Gel® with Thyroid cells (normal or cancer)? |
Answer |
Yes, there is. Please refer to the following: Production of hepatitis C viruses (HCV) by 3-D culture of human hepatocyte cell line・ “Production of infectious hepatitis C virus particles in three-dimensional cultures of the cell line carrying the genome-length dicistronic viral RNA of genotype 1b“ Virology, 351 (2), 381-392 (2006) |

Other Questions
Question | Can the Mebiol Gel powder be stored at the room temp? |
Answer |
Yes, Mebiol Gel (powder) should be stored at RT. |
Question | How long is the shelf life of Mebiol Gel®? |
Answer |
Expiry date is 1 year after date shipped |
Question | I have some remaining gel after using a portion of it. How long can the remaining gel be stored at refrigeration? |
Answer |
Roughly 1 month. For longer desired storage, freeze at -20°C or -80°C. |
Question | I am interested in trying out Mebiol Gel® for my first time. Could I have a sample for Mebiol Gel®? |
Answer |
We are sorry, we do not provide samples for Mebiol Gel®. |
Question | How is Mebiol Gel® sterilized? Is there a possibility that there are some living organisms in the gel? |
Answer |
By EOG sterilization. There should not be any living organisms in the gel. |
Question | What size flask is used for the 10ml and 50ml Mebiol Gel® product? |
Answer |
T-25 and T-75 Flask is used, respectively. |
Question | Can I reconstitute it at 20% instead of 10% for stock storage? I would like to be able to dilute it later with a different type of medium. |
Answer |
There is no problem to reconstitute it at 20% instead of 10% for stock storage. However, please note that 20% high-concentration reconstitution has a high degree of viscosity and has low flowability even under low temperature. |
Question | Mebiol Gel® (MBG-PMW20-1001) is said to be dissolved in 10ml culture media. Can it be dissolved in bigger volume of culture media? |
Answer |
We usually recommend 10ml of Mebiol to be dissolved in 10ml of culture medium. (when you would like to dissolve 50ml of MebiolGel, you should add 50ml of culture medium) If you make low concentration of MebiooGel solution, the solution cannot be gel state. For example, it is difficult to make gel sate if you dissolve 10ml MebiolGel into 20ml culture medium. |
Question | How many grams of Mebiol Gel® are there in each container? |
Answer |
As for 10ml of dilution use, there is 1.0g Mebiol Gel®. As for 50ml of dilution use, there is 5.0g Mebiol Gel®. |
Question | What is the Pink Tablet? |
Answer |
It is oxygen detection agent. And Oxygen and Moisture Absorbent that is also supplied with with Mebiol Gel®. They are not parts of the product. |

Question | How many grams of Mebiol Gel® are there in each container? |
Answer |
As for 10ml of dilution use, there is 1.0g Mebiol Gel®. As for 50ml of dilution use, there is 5.0g Mebiol Gel®. |
Question | What the highest concentration you can make mebiol gel? |
Answer |
Approximately 15wt% is the highest concentration.Viscosity is too high at 20wt% even at low temperature and can not be used. |
To be used for research only. DO NOT use for human gene therapy or clinical diagnosis.