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Hydrophobic Barrier Pens and Related Products

Product Lineup

A-PAP Pen Mini/Regular - Draws hydrophobic barriers on microscope slides.

Tissue Capture Pen - Improves section attachment to IHC and ICC slides.

Tube Checker Pen - Solvent-proof permanent marking pen

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Hydrophobic Barrier "A-PAP" Pens and Related Products

A-PAP Pen Mini/Regular 

- Draws hydrophobic barriers on microscope slides.

Tissue Capture Pen

 - Improves section attachment to IHC and ICC slides.

Tube Checker Pen

 - Solvent-proof permanent marking pen

A-PAP Pen Mini & Regular


This pen is designed to provide a water repellant barrier when a circle is drawn around a specimen/section. This barrier retains antisera within the defined area and ensures that only the amount of antibody needed for sufficient reaction is used, thus reducing waste. Multiple sections, separated by individual PAP Pen barriers, can be applied to the same slide and easily compared. 

Tissue Capture Pen

The Tissue Capture Pen improves section attachment to glass slides during immunohistochemical staining. It creates a sticky surface on the glass slide ideally suited for paraffin or frozen section attachment. The Tissue Capture Pen greatly improves section adherence throughout long immunostaining protocols. It can be used in conjunction with the Super Pap Pen Liquid Blocker (#DAI-PAP-S) or the Mini Pap Pen Liquid Blocker (#DAI-PAP-S-M) which reduce the amount of antibody needed during labeling.

Product Name Catalog Number  Size
Tissue Capture DAI-FP01 1 PC

Tube Checker Pen

The Tube Checker' pen enable you to write on paper, plastic, glass and metal. The writings are waterproof after being dried and will not be blurred with water. After drying, written parts become solvent proof against organic solvent mainly used in the lab such as ethanol, xylene and chloroform.

Product Name Catalog Number  Size
Tube Checker (Black) DAI-TC-BLACK 1 PC

Ordering Information 

Catalog Number Product Name Size
DAI-BIP Bio-Imager Pen 1 Piece
DAI-FP01 Tissue Capture 1 Piece
DAI-TC-BLACK Tube Checker (Black) 1 Set
DAI-DM-02-1 Mount-Quick ''Aqueous'' 1 x 30 ml



6 x 30 ml
DAI-CQG Coat Quick ''G'' 2 Pieces
DAI-DM-01-1 Mount-Quick
2 x 30 ml
DAI-DM-01-2 12 x 30 ml
DAI-FR01 Frozen Tissue Adhesive Pen (Fro-Tissuer) 1 Piece
DAI-PR01 Paraffin Tissue Adhesive Pen (Para-Tissuer) 1 Piece
DAI-APAP-R Advanced A-PAP Pen Liquid-Blocker Regular 1 Piece
DAI-APAP-M Advanced A-PAP Pen Mini
1 Piece
DAI-APAP-M-5 5 Pieces

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it contain?
Regular is 5cc, mini is 2.5cc. Estimated number of uses is 1000 times for regular and 500 times for mini.

What is the thickness of the pen tip?
The regular size is 4mm and the mini size is 2mm.

Do I need a qualification to use the A-PAP Pen?
No special qualifications are required to handle the product.

What color is the ink? Are there different colors?
The ink is light green. There are no products in different colors.

What is the difference from the old product Liquid Blocker?
The usage does not change much.
Now easier to clean with xylene than with liquid blocker.