Frontometaphyseal dysplasia

  • Ubiquigent

    TAK1_TAB1 complex [6His-tagged]

    Catalog No.(s): UBI-66-0007-050

    Click here to view the UbiquigentTM Product Dashboard and hundreds of great reagents for ubiquitin-proteasome-related research.Customer Notice Regarding Orders for Ubiquigent Products: From September 2020, orders for Ubiquigent products must total...

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  • Filamin-A (FLNA) ELISA Kit (human)


    Filamin-A (FLNA) ELISA Kit (human)

    Catalog No.(s): CSB-EL008724HU-1, CSB-EL008724HU-5, CSB-EL008724HU-10

    Attention first time users: evaluate the suitability of this ELISA Kit for your experiments. Purchase a complete 24-well test kit for only $150. Then, save $30 per kit on the subsequent purchase of up to five 96-well kits purchased at the same time...

    $730.00 - $5,184.00
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