Cell Proliferation

  • MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit B


    MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit B

    Catalog No.(s): BQC-KF03001B-500, BQC-KF03001B-2000, BQC-KF03001B-5000

    Please note that BioQuochem items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions. See all BQC kit products for cell biology research at the BQCkit Dashboard PageThe kit is designed to determine cellular viabilityBackground: The...

    $258.00 - $688.00
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  • MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit A


    MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit A

    Catalog No.(s): BQC-KF03001A-500, BQC-KF03001A-2000, BQC-KF03001A-5000

    Please note that BioQuochem items have a $300 minimum. Please contact us if you have any questions. See all BQC kit products for cell biology research at the BQCkit Dashboard PageThe kit is designed to determine cellular viabilityBackground: The...

    $258.00 - $688.00
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  • V-Set and Immunoglobulin Domain-containing Protein 4 (VSIG4) ELISA Kit (human)


    V-Set and Immunoglobulin Domain-containing Protein 4 (VSIG4) ELISA Kit (human)

    Catalog No.(s): CSB-EL025928HU-1, CSB-EL025928HU-5, CSB-EL025928HU-10

    Attention first time users: evaluate the suitability of this ELISA Kit for your experiments. Purchase a complete 24-well test kit for only $150. Then, save $30 per kit on the subsequent purchase of up to five 96-well kits purchased at the same time...

    $730.00 - $5,184.00
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  • Growth arrest-specific protein 6 (GAS6) ELISA Kit (human)


    Growth arrest-specific protein 6 (GAS6) ELISA Kit (human)

    Catalog No.(s): CSB-EL009270HU-1, CSB-EL009270HU-5, CSB-EL009270HU-10

    Attention first time users: evaluate the suitability of this ELISA Kit for your experiments. Purchase a complete 24-well test kit for only $150. Then, save $30 per kit on the subsequent purchase of up to five 96-well kits purchased at the same time...

    $730.00 - $5,184.00
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  • Growth arrest-specific gene-6 (gas-6) ELISA Kit (mouse)


    Growth arrest-specific gene-6 (gas-6) ELISA Kit (mouse)

    Catalog No.(s): CSB-E14145m-1, CSB-E14145m-5, CSB-E14145m-10

    Attention first time users: evaluate the suitability of this ELISA Kit for your experiments. Purchase a complete 24-well test kit for only $150. Then, save $30 per kit on the subsequent purchase of up to five 96-well kits purchased at the same time...

    $520.00 - $4,291.00
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